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Mass and weight

Mass and Weight

Mass: The quantity contained in a matter is called mass.

Weight: The product of the mass of a body and acceleration due to gravity is called weight. Weight = mg


The gravitational force applied by the earth to a body is called the weight of the body.

Difference between Mass and Weight:

Mass Weight
Mass is the measure of inertia.Weight is the measure of gravity.
It is a scalar quantity. It is a vector quantity.
The mass of a body is always constant. The weight of a body varies from place to place.
The mass of a body cannot be zero. The weight of a body may be zero under certain conditions.
The mass of a body is not affected by the presence of nearby bodies.It is affected by the presence of nearby bodies.
Question 1:

Under what conditions does a person feel weightless (zero weight, g = 0 ) ?

Ans: Weight of a person becomes zero,

(i) at the Earth’s center.

(ii) at null points in space.

(iii) during free fall.

(iv) inside spacecraft or satellites orbiting around Earth.

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