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Gravitation Class 9 Quiz-1

Gravitation Class 9 Quiz-1

Hello, readers ! Here is a quiz for you from chapter 10: Gravitation. Take a tour of “Gravitation Class 9 Quiz-1” and evaluate yourself.

Created on By pankaj

Class 9 Science

Gravitation Class 9 Quiz-1

Hello, readers ! Here is a quiz for you from chapter 10: Gravitation. Take a tour of "Gravitation Class 9 Quiz-1" and evaluate yourself.

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1. The value of acceleration due to gravity

2 / 14

2. If the gravitational attraction of the Earth suddenly disappears, which of the following statements will be true?

3 / 14

3. In the relation F = GMm/r2, the quantity G

4 / 14

4. The weight of an object at the centre of the earth of radius R, is

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5. Two objects of different masses falling freely near the surface of moon would

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6. The value of quantity G in the Universal law of gravitation

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7. The acceleration due to gravity on the Earth depends upon the

8 / 14

8. The force of attraction between two unit point masses separated by a unit distance is equal to

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9. The Mass of an object at the centre of the earth of radius R, is

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10. The atmosphere is held to the earth by

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11. The gravitational force between two objects is F. If masses of both objects are halved without changing distance between them, then the gravitational force would become

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12. An apple falls from a tree because of gravitational attraction between the earth and apple. If 'F' is the magnitude of force exerted by the earth on the apple and 'F2' is the magnitude of force exerted by apple on earth, then

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13. Universal Law of gravitation gives the gravitational force between

14 / 14

14. When a mango falls from a mango tree towards earth then

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Hello, readers ! Here is a quiz for you from chapter 10: Gravitation. Take a tour of "Gravitation Class 9 Quiz-1" and evaluate yourself.

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4 thoughts on “Gravitation Class 9 Quiz-1”

  1. Thank you for your sharing. I am worried that I lack creative ideas. It is your article that makes me full of hope. Thank you. But, I have a question, can you help me?

  2. b^onus de registro na binance

    I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.

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