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Electrostatics HOTs Numerical

Electrostatics HOTs Numerical

Question 1:

Question 2:

Let a total charge 2Q be distributed in a sphere of radius R, with the charge density given by ρ(r) = kr, where r is the distance from the centre. Two charges A and B, of −Q each, are placed on diametrically opposite points, at equal distance, a form the centre. If A and B do not experience any force, then:

Question 3:

Question 4:

A positive point charge is released from rest at a distance r0​ from a positive line charge with uniform density. The speed (v) of the point charge, as a function of instantaneous distance r from line charge, is proportional to ?

Question 5:

A solid conducting sphere, having a charge Q, is surrounded by an uncharged conducting hollow spherical shell. Let the potential difference between the surface of the solid sphere and that of the outer surface of the hollow shell be V. If the shell is now given a charge of −4Q, then what will be new potential difference between the same both surfaces?

Question 6:

A simple pendulum of length L is placed between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor having electric field E, as shown in figure. Its bob has mass m and charge q. what will be time period of the pendulum.

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