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Electromagnetic Waves Important Points

Electromagnetic Spectrum

Name Wavelength Range Production Uses
Gamma Rays < 10-12 mGamma rays produced in radio active decay of nucleusIn treatment of cancer & to carry out nuclear reactions.
x-rays10-9 m to 10-12 mx-ray tubes or inner shell electrons used as diagnostic tool in medical to find out fractures in bones & to find crack, flaws in metal part of machine
UV rays 4 × 10-7 to 10-9 mBy very hot bodies like sun and by UV lamps In water purifier in detection of forged documents & in food preservation
Visible light 7 × 10-7 m to 4 × 10-7m to by accelerated tiny (electrons) charge particlesto see every thing around us
IR rays 10-3 m to 4 × 10-7 mdue to vibration of atomsin green houses to keep plant warm, to reveal secret writings on walls, in photography during fog and smoke
Microwaves 10-1 m to 10-3 mproduced in klystron Valve and magnetron ValveIn RADAR & in microwave ovens
Radio waves > 0.1 mby accelerated charged particles excited electrical circuitsIn radio telecommunication system & in radio astrology

Electromagnetic Waves Important Points

Electromagnetic Waves Important Points
  • EM waves are produced by accelerated charged particles only if there is a change in speed; if the charged particle moves in a circular path without changing its speed, then there will be no electromagnetic wave produced by it where there is no change in speed.
  • Electric field and magnetic field vectors oscillate with the frequency of oscillating charge particles.
  • Properties of electromagnetic waves-
    • transverse in nature.
    • can travel through vacuum.
    • material not required for its propagation.
    • speed of EM wave v = E / B = E0 / B0
    • speed of EM waves in vacuum, c = 1 / √(μo єo) = 3 x 108 m/s.
    • speed of EM waves in a medium, v = 1 / √(μ є)
  • In an electromagnetic spectrum, different waves have different frequency and wavelengths.
  • Penetration power of electromagnetic waves depends on frequency. Higher, the frequency larger the penetration power.

* Wavelength lambda and frequency nu are related with each other v = lambda nu. Here v is the wave velocity.

  • A wave travelling along + x axis is represented by,

E_z = E_oz cos(omega t - kx)
E_z = E_oz cos(omega t - kx)

omega = {2pi} /T = 2pi nu

omega / k = lambda nu = v wave speed

k = {2 pi} / lambda = 2 pi overline{nu}
Wave number overline{nu} = 1/ lambda

Displacement current (Id) :

The Current which is produced due to time varying electric field or electric flux.

I_d = varepsilon_0 (d phi_e} /dt , phi_e is the electric flux.

Modified Ampere’s Circuital Law by Maxwell –

vec{B} . d vec{l} = mu_0 ( I_c +  varepsilon_0 (d phi_e} /dt ) ,

I_c is the conduction current.

I_c = I_d

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Electromagnetic Waves Important Points, Electromagnetic Waves Important Points, Electromagnetic Waves Important Points, Electromagnetic Waves Important Points

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