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Dual nature MCQs

Hello, readers! Here you can practice MCQs of class 12th physics chapter-11 ‘Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter’. Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter.

Dual nature MCQs

Dual nature of Radiation and Matter MCQs

Q.1: The theory, on the basis of Photoelectric effect can be explained:
[A] Corpuscular theory
[B] Wave theory
[C] Electromagnetic theory
[D] Quantum theory

[D] Quantum theory

Q.2: The photoelectric work function for a metal surface is 4.14 eV. The cutoff wavelength for this is,
[A] 4125 Å
[B] 2062.5 Å
[C] 3000 Å
[D] 6000 Å

(c) 3000 Å λ=hc/E = 12.41×10 -2/ 4.14 = 3000 Å

Q.3: If E1, E2, E3, E4 are the respective kinetic energies of electron, deuteron, proton and neutron having same de- Broglie wavelength. Select the correct order in which those values would increase:
[A] E1, E3, E4, E2
[B] E2, E4, E1, E3
[C] E2, E4, E3, E1
[D] E3, E1, E2, E4

[C] E2, E4, E3, E1

Q.4: When radiation of given frequency is incident upon different metals, the maximum kinetic energy of electrons emitted –
[A] decrease with increase of work function
[B] increase with increase of work function
[C] remains same with the increase of work function
[D] does not depend upon work function

[A] decrease with increase of work function
[KEmax = hν-ϕo

Q.5: A proton, a neutron, an electron and alpha particle have same kinetic energy, then their de-Broglie wavelengths compare as
[A] λe = λp= λn = λa
[B] λe > λp > λn > λa
[C] λa < λp < λn < λe
[D] λp = λn & λe>λa

[B] λe > λp > λn > λa
λ ∝ 1/√ m

Q.6: The monochromatic beams A and B of equal intensities I, hit a screen. The number of photons hitting the screen by beam A is twice that by beam B. The ratio of their frequencies will be –
[A] 1:2
[B] 2:1
[C] 1:1
[D] 1:3

[A] 1:2

Q.7: Which of the following has maximum stopping potential when metal is illuminated by visible light?
[A] Blue
[B] Yellow
[C] Violet
[D] Red

[C] Violet

Q.8: The threshold wavelength for a metal having work function ϕ0 is λ0 , what is the threshold wavelength for a metal whose work function is ϕ0 /2 .
[A] 4 λ0
[B] 2 λ0
[C] λ0 /2
[D] λ0 /4

[B] 2 λ0

Q.9: Maximum kinetic energy of emitted electron depends on the frequency of incident photon when frequency of incident photons is
[A] equal to the threshold frequency
[B] half of threshold frequency
[C] greater then threshold frequency
[D] one third of threshold frequency

[C] greater then threshold frequency

Q.10: Two particles have equal momentum. What is the ratio of their de-Broglie wavelength?
[A] 2
[B] 1
[C] 3
[D] 0.5

[B] 1

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