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Write the difference between n-type semiconductor and p-type semiconductor on the basis of Energy band diagram.

What is a conductor, and what does its energy band diagram look like?

Ans: A conductor is a material that has a low resistance to the flow of electrical current. Its energy band diagram shows that the valence and conduction bands overlap, meaning that electrons can move freely throughout the material.

What is a semiconductor, and what does its energy band diagram look like?

Ans: A semiconductor is a material that has an intermediate level of electrical conductivity between a conductor and an insulator. Its energy band diagram shows a small energy gap (bandgap) between the valence and conduction bands. This gap can be overcome by adding energy, such as heat or light, to the material.

What is an insulator, and what does its energy band diagram look like?

Ans: An insulator is a material that has a high resistance to the flow of electrical current. Its energy band diagram shows a large energy gap between the valence and conduction bands, which means that it requires a significant amount of energy to move an electron from the valence band to the conduction band.

How do the energy band diagrams of conductors, semiconductors, and insulators differ?

Ans: The main difference between the energy band diagrams of conductors, semiconductors, and insulators is the size of the bandgap. Conductors have no bandgap, semiconductors have a small bandgap, and insulators have a large bandgap. This difference in bandgap determines the electrical conductivity of each material.

Why are semiconductors useful in electronic devices?

Ans: Semiconductors are useful in electronic devices because their electrical conductivity can be easily controlled. By doping the material with impurities, the number of electrons in the conduction band or holes in the valence band can be increased, making the material more conductive. This allows for the creation of devices such as transistors and diodes, which are the building blocks of modern electronics.

How do the energy band diagrams of conductors, semiconductors, and insulators relate to their thermal conductivity?

Ans: The energy band diagrams of conductors, semiconductors, and insulators are related to their thermal conductivity because the ability of a material to conduct heat is related to its ability to conduct electricity. Conductors have high thermal conductivity because their electrons can move freely and transfer heat energy. Semiconductors and insulators have lower thermal conductivity because their electrons are not as mobile, and they require more energy to transfer heat

What is doping in the context of semiconductors?

Doping in the context of semiconductors refers to the intentional introduction of impurities into a semiconductor material in order to modify its electrical properties.

What types of dopants are commonly used in semiconductor materials, and how do they affect the material’s properties?

Common dopants used in semiconductor materials include boron, phosphorus, arsenic, and antimony belongs to 13th and 15th group elements of periodic table. These dopants can donate or accept electrons, which affects the material’s electrical conductivity, and they can also modify its optical and thermal properties.

How does the doping concentration of a semiconductor material affect its electrical conductivity?

The doping concentration of a semiconductor material can significantly affect its electrical conductivity. Higher doping concentrations generally lead to higher conductivity, since more charge carriers are present in the material.

Difference between conductors, semiconductors and insulators on the basis of Energy band diagram

Question 1: Name two factors on which the electrical conductivity of a pure semiconductor at a given temperature depends.

Question 2: How does the conductivity of a semiconductor change with the rise in temperature?

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