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Consider a sphere of radius R which carries

Consider a sphere of radius r which carries a uniform charge density ρ

Consider a sphere of radius R which carries a uniform charge density ρ. If a sphere of radius R/2​ is carved out of it, as shown, the ratio ​EB​​/EA​ of magnitude of electric field EA​​ and EB​​, respectively, at points A and B due to the remaining portion will be?

Consider a sphere of radius R which carries

Solution: Consider a sphere of radius R which carries……….

Given : Radius sphere = R Radius of small sphere = R / 2

Uniform charge density of sphere = ρ.  ​

EB ​​/ EA​ = ?

Q_1 = charge inside small sphere

Q_2 = charge lying on the surface of complete sphere

Volume of small sphere = {4 / 3} pi (R / 2)^3

Volume of complete sphere = {4 / 3} pi (R )^3

Charge inside small sphere, taken out from complete sphere,

Q_1 = charge density (rho)  *  volume of small sphere = rho * [ {4 / 3} pi (R / 2)^3]

Electric field at point A ( inside sphere) ,

vec{E_A} = vec{E}_(Electric field due to complete sphere) + vec{E}_(Electric field due to small sphere)

vec{E}_(Electric field due to complete sphere) = 0

(as total charge lying inside metallic complete sphere is zero so, E = 0. In a metallic sphere charge lies on surface only )

Electric field at point B, will be only due to smaller sphere as its inner surface have charge due to induction.

{E}_(Electric field due to small sphere) = sigma / { in_0} = {Q / A } * { 1 / in_0}

{E}_(Electric field due to small sphere) =  { 1 / in_0} * {[rho * 4 / 3 pi (R / 2)^3]} / {4 pi (R / 2)^2}

{E}_(Electric field due to small sphere) =  { 1 / in_0}  *  {rho / 3 }  *  {R / 2} =  {rho R} / {6 in_0 }

So, {E_A} = vec{E}_(Electric field due to complete sphere) + vec{E}_(Electric field due to small sphere) = 0 + {rho R} / {6 in_0 }

{E_A} =  {rho R} / {6 in_0 }

Electric field at point B (at surface of sphere) ,

vec{E_B} = vec{E}_(Electric field due to complete sphere) - vec{E}_(Electric field due to small sphere)

E_B = {1 / {4 pi in_0}} Q_2 / R^2  - {1 / {4 pi in_0}} * {1 / ({3R} / 2)^2} * [{rho * {4 pi} / 3 (R / 2)^3 }]

E_B = {{1 / {4 pi in_0}} 1 / R^2 }  *  { [{rho * 4 / 3 pi R^3}] }  -  {1/ {4 pi in_0}} * {1 / ({3R} / 2)^2} * [{rho * {4 pi} / 3 (R / 2)^3 }]

E_B = { rho R } / { in_0} [ 1 / 3  -  4 / {3 * 9 * 8}]  =  { rho R } / { 3 in_0} [ 1  -  1 / 18 ]

E_B = {17 / 54 } { rho R / in_0}

E_A / E_B  =   {rho R} / {6 in_0}  /  {{17 / 54}  {{rho R} / in_0}}  =  {1 / 6}  *  {54 / 17}  =  18 / 34

Activities Supporting Speaking Skill Development

Consider a sphere of radius R which carries a uniform charge density ρ

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