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Class 12th Syllabus 2022-23 CBSE

Class 12th Syllabus 2023-24 CBSE

SCHEME OF STUDIES: Class XI and XII is a composite course. Students need to take only those subjects in class XI which he/she intends to continue in class-XII. Students can offer a minimum of 5 or more subjects in class XI. They need to continue the same subjects in class XII.

SubjectsDownload Syllabus
Physics (CODE: 042)
Download Physics Syllabus 2023-24
Download Physics Syllabus 2022-23
Chemistry (CODE: 043)Download Chemistry Syllabus
Math’s (CODE: 041)Download Math’s Syllabus
Biology (CODE: 044)Download Biology Syllabus
English Core (CODE: 301)Download English Syllabus
English Elective (CODE: 001)Download English Syllabus
Physical Education (CODE: )Download Physical Education Syllabus
Sanskrit Core (CODE: 044)Download Sanskrit Syllabus
Hindi Core (CODE: 302)Download Hindi Syllabus
Bio-Technology Download Bio-Technology Syllabus
HistoryDownload History Syllabus

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