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class 11

Work Energy and Power notes

Work Energy and Power : Work is said to be done if force is applied to a body and it displaces in the direction of applied force. Work is a scalar quantity as it have magnitude only.

Work Energy and Power Numerical

Work Energy and Power Numerical: A particle of mass  approaches a region of force starting from r = +∞. The potential energy function in terms of distance  from the origin is given by,

Laws of Motion

Hello, readers ! Here you can learn important concepts of class 11th Physics Unit-03 ‘Laws of Motion’. In this chapter we will learn about motion. What causes the motion? Why does the speed of an object change with time? Do all motions require a cause? If so, what is the nature of this cause? In this chapter we shall make an attempt to quench all such curiosities.

Accuracy and Precision

Accuracy measures how close a measured value is to the actual (true) value. Accuracy increases with a decrease in the least count of a measuring instrument.

Dimensional Analysis and its Applications

Hello, readers😊! Here you can learn about Dimensional Analysis and its Applications , how to write dimensional formula and Principle of Homogeneity. Methods of dimension analysis was introduced by French Mathematician Joseph Fourier.

Errors in Measurement

Hello, readers 😊! Here you will learn Errors in Measurement. No measurement is perfect, as the error involved in a measurement cannot be removed completely. Measured value is always somewhat different from true value (standard value).

4 Basic Natural Forces

The four basic natural forces are gravitational force, electromagnetic force, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force. These four fundamental forces play a crucial role in shaping the behavior of matter and the interactions between particles at both microscopic and cosmic scales. Scientists have been able to describe and understand many natural phenomena by studying these forces and their effects.

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